Thursday, September 2, 2010

Always Summer

Rest of the sketches(goofing off) I did over the summer

silly things that happened over the summer  
X-men parody paintings-sketches mostly to never actually be painted
Phone home E.T! Phone HOME!
Finished watching season one of a hilarious series called Bored to Death (
It's Tutankhamun
Pelican and my Grandpa
My Grandma-Despite how stinky looking I made her coat she was a super classy dresser.
Drew over an old watercolor exercise I hated and made it into something more fun
1st design scrapped
2nd design. I think I'll keep this character. (It's no secret that I have an uber thing for fashion of the 1920s)
First page of a story in my head.
This song keeps replaying in my head.

1 comment:

  1. I like the one with Coco jumping on the table. I think u told me when that first happened. And Bored To Death is amazing!
