Thursday, December 30, 2010


Started painting.

some color

sketch 4?
sketch 2

Oh look a tornado hit my room. :O

I haven't really worked on it in a while because of  cold
Playing around with different size pen nibs for fun
migraines,blizzard conditions, and pure winter break laziness. Ahhh. I need motivation!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Thesis sneak peak

First scene-2nd drawing on tracing paper. I think I worked  most of the anatomy out.

Second and thirds scene overlapped on tracing paper so it looks as if the 2nd girl is a ghosty.   

Now I gotta go work on other stuff and NOT procrastinate. :(

Friday, October 29, 2010


Warning bit of a rant-
Bah. I'm going nuts over the junior thesis. I've been looking at so many French late baroque/rococo images that they have invade my dreams at night. I still have so much to do. (- _-  )

Here's small fraction of one drawing. I need to fix out the rest of the proportions still.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Should I really be updating this

Just proscrastinating my thumbnail sketches just to update some old stuff I found on my memory card from the summer.

Haha. It's an Eng-lusssssshhh gentleman.

Some weird human/creatures. *shrug*

crayon lemurrrrrrr

Crayon sketch from a national geographic magazine- Apparently a mantis can take on a humming bird and carry it upside down. Sooo crazy!

New- part of mini thesis- Hans my Hedgehog story set in the 1920/30s

lion and the mouse fable

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Always Summer

Rest of the sketches(goofing off) I did over the summer

silly things that happened over the summer  
X-men parody paintings-sketches mostly to never actually be painted
Phone home E.T! Phone HOME!
Finished watching season one of a hilarious series called Bored to Death (
It's Tutankhamun
Pelican and my Grandpa
My Grandma-Despite how stinky looking I made her coat she was a super classy dresser.
Drew over an old watercolor exercise I hated and made it into something more fun
1st design scrapped
2nd design. I think I'll keep this character. (It's no secret that I have an uber thing for fashion of the 1920s)
First page of a story in my head.
This song keeps replaying in my head.

Saturday, July 24, 2010


Ahhhhh. My creative gear is not in full gear at all..or maybe I'm just not pushing myself enough. This is so far a select few of the junk I've been churning out/cleaning up my memory card.:P

Door decoration...and too much adventure time.

Part of a freshman year painting that just didn't work. This was the only bit I liked.
sketchy bit -pencil
oil painting...that didn't work out either

watercolor plant practice
Just for fun Tumnus acylic
sketchy bit 2-ink
sketchy bit 3-ink
sketchy bit 4-ink

Just for Fun 2-pencil, crayon, highlighter

paper cut out card for an adorkable biffle.
Fishy oil paint step 1
step 2 

Final Fishy- took out figure and added obnoxious heart for compositional reason s   

Just for fun 3- colored pencil